The Ranger Ready P2 PAK ™ includes Ranger Ready Body-Worn Repellent with Picaridin 20% as well as Clothing-Worn Repellent with Permethrin 0.5% and contains NO DEET. Protects from ticks and mosquitos that cause vector-borne diseases such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, West Nile virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis, Zika virus, and Malaria.
Scent Zero: Unscented clothing repellent for when the best scent is none at all.
• Fine Mist Trigger Spray for wider reach
• 12-hour protection from ticks and mosquitos
• 8-hour protection from gnats, flies, fleas, chiggers, no-see-ums, etc.
• Safe to use for children (over 1 year), adults, and during pregnancy
• Non-greasy, quick-dry formula won't damage clothing or gear
• 1x 710ml | 24.0oz - 200 full body application spray doses
• Fine Mist Trigger Spray for wider reach
• Protects for up to 40 days or 5 washes
• Apply to clothing, tents, sleeping bags, dog beds, horse saddles, blankets, and other fabrics
• Repels and kills ticks, mosquitos, fleas, gnats, no-see-ums, black flies, ants, stink bugs, and other biting insects on contact
• 1x 235ml | 8.0oz - 3 outfits / 3 shirts, 3 pants, 3 pairs of socks
• 1x 235ml | 8.0oz - 65 sq. feet of surface coverage